First-rate Second Assistants


Jun '23

In this behind-the-scenes photo (from right to left), Tara and Ismail join Nazar in a celebratory moment after wrapping our 3-day shoot.

About Ish

Born and raised in Toronto to Hispanic and Middle-Eastern parents, Ismail ‘Ish’ Ali, finds his ambitions leading him towards a career in cinematography. Having always exceled in the arts from a young age, Ish has finally found his home behind the lens, crafting compelling and timeless images.

Ish finds passion in documentary storytelling, utilizing minimal tools to craft masterful frames. Yet he fulfills his true artistic desires in both commercial and narrative work where he can push the boundaries of what a camera can capture. Ish looks to expand out of Toronto, carrying big dreams of working on films throughout North America and Europe for both commercial, and streaming platforms.

About Tara

Tara is a Canadian stills photographer. She studied Independent Digital Photography at Seneca College and Advanced Television and Film at Sheridan College.

Working towards her dream job as a DOP, she is currently training with IATSE 667 to become a 2nd assistant camera and loves to write screenplays, read hard cover books and go to the cinema.

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